Gandhiji thanked them and said : If your words come from your heart and not merely from your lips, then their effect will not be confined merely to India but will spread over the whole world. They asked what his objection was to the setting up of a separate Muslim State after the events in Bihar. Gandhiji replied : If a Muslim State implied freedom to make unfriendly treaties with foreign powers to the detriment of the country, then obviously it cannot be a matter of agreement. No one can be asked to sign an agreement granting freedom to another to launch hostilities against himself; it would be suicidal policy. On the young men asking whether Gandhiji did not think it advisable to concede Pakistan since it was holding back the issue of Indian independence, Gandhiji said : Only after independence has been won can there be a question of granting Pakistan. To reverse the process was to invite foreign help. Azadi and Pakistan require the exclusion of all foreign powers. Until and unless India is free, there cannot be any other question. When you think of establishing Pakistan first you think in terms of getting it with the aid of a third power. When I think of the freedom of India, I think in terms of achieving it without any foreign aid, be it Russian, Chinese or any other, but on the basis of our own inner strength. Then only will freedom be real and lasting. Once freedom is secured for the country as a whole then we can decide about Pakistan or Hindustan. Gandhiji was then asked why he should not go to Bihar where the tragedy was on a colossal scale compared to Noakhali. His reply was : What has happened in Bihar is shameful enough. But the people there are said to have realized their mistake. By going there I cannot do anything more than what I can do from here, for I am able to affect the Government and people of Bihar from Noakhali. The last question put to Gandhiji was : After the recent disturbances there is neither Pakistan nor peace. What is your solution to this situation? Gandhiji replied : That is exactly what I am searching for in Noakhali. As soon as I discover it the world shall know it. While taking leave of Gandhiji the Muslim youths asked for Gandhiji’s blessings to enable them to fulfil the promise made. Gandhiji said that so long as they spoke from their hearts and honestly tried to give effect to their promises, God would be on their side. Gandhiji told the youths that they must discuss what he had said with friends and meet him again if they had more questions to ask. C.W.M.G : Vol. 57